UI - Trade Route Manager

UI - Trade Route Manager

Makes picking a trade route a more informed (and easier) decision

Compatibility: Hot Seat

Makes picking a new / keeping the old trade route a more informed (and easier) decision

* Each trade route takes a single line - approx. three times as many routes per scroll page
* Additional Total Yield (food and prod) and Delta Yield (sci and energy) columns - for those (like me) too lazy to do the maths
* Civ, City Name, Origin Yields, Dest Yields, Total Yields and Delta Yields columns are all sortable. Sort order is remembered
* Current route blindingly obvious and will always be in the first section
* Click to select trade route, shift click to select without the annoying prompt, right-click to centre map on destination
* Mouse over to highlight route hexes, and also bring up the old style (multi-lined) route description

Replaces ChooseInternationalTradeRoutePopup.lua/xml so will be incompatible with any mod that changes these files


v 218-Dec-2014 09:41:55
v 118-Dec-2014 08:01:40
